What Does Yielding the Right of Way Mean?
Too many drivers don’t understand or choose to ignore right-of-way laws. Regardless of why they violate these rules, failing to yield can lead to tickets and devastating car accidents.
Failure to yield the right of way is a factor in 6.9% of fatalities that occur on U.S. roadways.
Approximately one-quarter of all traffic fatalities and about one-half of traffic injuries in the United States take place at intersections. In 2021, 11,799 traffic fatalities involved intersections with and without traffic signals.
Failure-to-yield accidents result in head-on and side-impact collisions. Some common scenarios that cause accidents include ignoring a yield sign when turning right, turning left at a traffic light without yielding, and attempting to merge on a highway without yielding.
What Does Right of Way Mean In Colorado?
Colorado law defines right of way as the right one vehicle operator or pedestrian grants to another vehicle operator or pedestrian to lawfully proceed when there’s a risk of collision due to direction, speed, and proximity. Right-of-way laws aim to regulate traffic and reduce mayhem on the roadways.
Right of way and yielding go hand in hand. But what does yield mean in driving? And what does yielding the right of way mean?
To define yield in driving using simple terms: It’s allowing another driver or a pedestrian to go first. Yielding the right of way means a driver allows another driver or pedestrian to go first because a sign or law requires it.
For drivers at intersections wondering who should yield, right-of-way signs may indicate the answer. If there’s no sign, the driver must use their knowledge of the law.
So, what does yield mean? Driving in Colorado requires understanding the state-specific laws. Highlighted below are important right-of-way laws established by the state.
Intersection Right of Way
At intersection stop signs, a driver must completely stop. If other traffic doesn’t have a stop sign, the driver must wait for the traffic to pass. The driver must also yield to vehicles already at a four-way stop sign. When multiple vehicles have already stopped, the driver yields to the vehicle on the right.
A red light signals a driver to stop until the light turns green. A yellow light means yield to oncoming traffic and proceed with caution. If turning right on red, a driver must yield to traffic already in the intersection.
At an intersection with a signal, pedestrians may cross the street when the traffic light is green. The exception is when the traffic light displays a green arrow. When the intersection has a cross signal, a pedestrian may cross only when it displays “walk.”
With crosswalks without traffic or walking lights, the driver must yield to the pedestrian in the crosswalk if they are on the same side of the road as their vehicle.
Emergency Vehicles and Trains
When a driver sees an approaching emergency vehicle, no matter the direction they’re traveling, they must pull over to the right side of the road. They should remain there until the vehicle passes.
The law prohibits drivers and pedestrians from crossing railroad tracks when the safety gates are down. When a railroad crossing doesn’t have a safety gate, drivers and pedestrians must yield to the train if they can see or hear it approaching.
Colorado has installed approximately 140 roundabouts on state highways, with many placed in tourist areas, such as Vail and Golden. When driving in a roundabout, drivers must give vehicles in the roundabout the right of way.
Obey Right of Way Traffic Laws
Drivers must not only know the right-of-way laws, but they should follow them whenever they’re behind the wheel. These laws were put in place to keep drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians safe. If a driver causes an accident due to ignorance or ignoring the road rules, it could establish negligence of right of way in a personal injury claim.
Contact Our Lakewood Car Accident Lawyers At Matos Personal Injury Lawyers For Help Today
If you’ve been injured in Lakewood, CO, and need legal help, contact an experienced car accident lawyer at Matos Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free consultation.
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550 S Wadsworth Blvd, Suite 300, Lakewood, CO 80226
(720) 912-7274
Hours: Open 24/7